Anthony West loses Speed Master MotoGP ride due to lack of sponsors

Even taking an ad out in a newspaper hasn’t helped Anthony West find the sponsors he needed to ride for CRT team Speed Master.
The popular Australian rider has announced via his Facebook page that his search turned up zilch and that he even tried put up his house, car and bike as collateral but it wasn’t enough, so he’ll no longer be able to ride this season also bitterly adding that his racing career (he’s only 30) is now likely over.

“I (ANTHONY WEST) will not race in moto gp this year or any other race because I can not find sponsorship to pay the SPEED MASTER team, Because all teams are asking for money from the riders only the rich can race in motogp / moto2 / moto3, I can not even afford to ride a year for free, As i have YET to be payed from my former team MZ Germany Moto2 team.
I had my car mx bike and my house for sale trying to keep the ride and even gave the house as a guarantee if I did not find the money but was not enough.

I will most likely not race any more and will [return] to australia to find a normal job.
Sorry to my fans.
”Except for veterans Colin Edwards and Randy de Puniet, the CRT riders entry list is looking more like an auction sale to the highest bidder; you’ve got the money, you get the ride.
Experience, podiums, wins and making a name for yourself based on merits alone no longer counts … and they have the gall to continue calling it the premier racing class with the best racers in the world.

Written by Unit

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