“Angelo Gatto Appointed Chanelle Pharma CEO”

Chanelle Pharma, recognised as the state’s premier manufacturer of generic pharmaceuticals for both human and animal use, has now welcomed a new leader into its fold, Angelo Gatto. This move comes in the aftermath of the company’s recent takeover by British private equity firm, Exponent.

Boasting an impressive quarter-century of exposure to the global pharmaceutical landscape, Mr. Gatto’s credentials include pivotal involvement with Exponent’s advisory unit at the time it chose to channel investments into Chanelle Pharma.

In his previous professional capacities, Mr. Gatto held positions across various functions such as business operations, sales and administration at prominent pharmaceutical houses like Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Aenova Group and Adragos Pharma.

Expressing his excitement about his new role, Mr Gatto highlighted Chanelle Pharma’s distinctive ‘one-health’ brand positioning that concentrates both on human and animal wellbeing. He voiced his eagerness for collaboration with the team, thereby maximising their strengths to foster growth in the company’s emerging product offerings.

Chanelle Pharma traces back its foundation to Michael Burke, who handsomely steered the company for over four decades until its successful sale to Exponent on favourable terms understood in the vicinity of a whopping €300 million.

Post the sale, while Mr. Burke opted for retirement, the executive panel, which incorporated CFO Aubrey Mulveen, CPO Kara Walsh, CIO Aiden Dempsey and CQTO Brian O’Broin, took the reins and assumed responsibility for everyday operations.

Endorsing Gatto’s appointment, Carsten Hellmann, the Chairman of Chanelle, spoke highly of his prowess across all of the company’s functioning segments and recounted his outstanding career consistency. The Chairman expressed his firm belief in Gatto’s abilities to pilot Chanelle Pharma in the forthcoming period of dynamic growth and transformation.
