Andrea Iannone apologizes to Pol Espargaro, team and fans

If you the saw the 125cc GP race or the video before Dorna yanked it off, you’ll know exactly what happened between Andrea Iannone and Pol Espargaro at Misano.
The Italian rider after getting fined $ 5000 by the race direction and reemed out by his team, Ongetta Team Ispa who in a press release announced:With regards to the incident and subsequent behaviour of the rider Andrea Iannone after the Gran Prix of San Marino, and the declarations made by him to the television channel Italia 1, Team Ongetta feels obliged to disassociate itself completely with them.

In turn we apologize to the persons who may have felt offended by them.
The team’s directors are currently assessing the type and level of disciplinary sanctions to impose on the rider, given that he is responsible for his own image and that of the sponsors.
Iannone released his own act of contriction, that you can read after the jump.
“I had been waiting for the Misano race for a long time and I had dreamed about achieving a good result in front of the Italian fans, but the dream turned into a nightmare a few metres from the finishing line.

It was a great race, with both of us riding very correctly and with Pol Espargaró riding bravely, imposing his rhythm right until the end.
But on the last corner I felt confident and certain I could get past him.
I broke really hard, went on the inside, arrived at the apex and then when I thought I had got through the angle changed.
I couldn’t do anything at that point to avoid the crash and I took Pol out of the equation as he was going around the outside and he had no fault in the crash.
We hit the ground and all I could think of was that a big chance had been lost.
”“Then when I went to apologize to Espargaró he understandably reacted with some strong words and punched my bike.
As Valentino Rossi said later I should have got on my knees to apologize again but instead I lost my temper and I did something which I will always regret for the rest of my life.
Returning to my garage there were several journalists waiting for me and I made another mistake by saying some things in the heat of the moment which I really didn’t think.
I think it could have happened to anyone in the heat of the moment after such a race and with such a dramatic ending.
”“In the evening thinking about what happened I was ashamed for what had happened with Pol and the things I said on TV, I have to say that I really appreciate Pol, he is very fast rider and in general, all the riders like me, are trying to do the very best job we can.
I want apologize to everyone, to my team, to my sponsors and all the motorcycle racing fans, to Pol and all the Spanish people, I’m sure this will not happen again.
