Andrea Dovizioso to undergo surgery tomorrow

Andrea Dovizioso broke his right collarbone yesterday in a motocross training accident and tomorrow will be undergoing surgery at the Cattolica Hospital, which will be performed by Dr.
Giuseppe Porcellini, the same doctor who operated Valentino Rossi’s shoulder at the end of the 2010 season.
At the moment there is some cautious optimism that Dovizioso will able to take part in the first official test at Sepang at the end of the month, but according to Dr.

Porcellini in an interview with the Gazzetta dello Sport, the fracture was bad, “I saw the pictures of the collarbone over the phone and it is a bad break, and there are also two fragments.
Even if he had been a normal working guy he couldn’t have avoided surgery.
” After this type of surgery doctors recommend rest for 15 days: “We will have to insert a plate and then try to recommend that Dovizioso rest for at least fifteen days, hoping that he’ll then be able to test.
In any case he is going to have to be very careful, “ concluded Dr.

