Andrea Dovizioso gets punk’d (w/video)

scherzi a parte_vittima Andrea Dovizioso 23-4-2012 di skorpion-05We’ve once mentioned Italian TV show Scherzi a Parte that play practical jokes on various Italian celebrities and sports stars.
The late Marco Simoncelli was once was a victim of the show back after he won the 250cc title (we’ve re-posted the video after the jump) and now they decided to play one on Andrea Dovizioso, with the help of his personal manager Simone Battistella.

Recap of the video: Dovizioso receives from the Department of Defense what resembles a draft letter and has to go to one of the local recruitment offices where he finds out he’s been ‘voluntarily’ drafted to to be shipped off to Afghanistan in one of Italy’s so-called peace missions.
A shady and corrupt doctor (the stereotype of an Italian civil servant) while giving the new and very bewildered recruit his physical and eye examination mentions that he can avoid being deployed to some hot spot in the Middle East if he pays him off, and does it very subtly by having Dovi read the word ‘money’ letter by letter on the Snellen chart.

A shocked, but straight arrow Dovi refuses to give in to the pressure until the prank is revealed.
The episode was aired on Monday evening and Dovizioso later tweeted “Guys, I was really scared to say the least, I thought my life was going to change and I was thinking about my daughter and racing”Naturally the video is in Italian, but you’ll get the gist of it.
Scherzi a Parte 2009 – Marco Simoncelli – Ricci… di jmvp06

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