Argomenti trattatiHiding things in password diariesTRLDressing for schoolVideo NowMySpaceNintendo DSWebKinzHannah MontanaHello KittyMovie Outfit Millennials are too young to experiment nostalgia yet, but people born before 1997 are covered with it. On TikTok is now on a compilation of some ancient relics from the 2000s. To bring back those feelings and make oldsters ache for that time. Hiding things in password diaries Let’s face it. At some point we all had that moment where we wrote the name of our crush or of the people we hated in our secret diary. And we also hid things in it. TRL For many, TRL was the first contact they had with music. Eventually people started hating it, because it never broadcasted the music one was longing for. Sometimes the music was right, and the day couldn’t get any better. Dressing for school During the 2000s fashion was an opinable concept. At a certain point, everyone has had their emo phase. Looking back to those times now, dressing up with as many layers as possible does not seem something to be so ashamed of. Video Now Millennials will never experiment the boredom of a long journey without any musical device. VideoNow was the first item to help teenagers to get through a long-travel-car holiday during 00s. MySpace MySpace was created in 2003. Thanks to it, Lily Allen and Arctic Monkeys became famous. Back in those time, knowing how to change your MySpace background made you a real internet hacker. Now, if you use MySpace instead of TikTok, you are probably a boomer. Nintendo DS Long time before Pokémon Go and Nintendo Wii, there was the Nintendo DS and every other Pokémon edition. Turning on it while you were supposed to be asleep made you a real badass. WebKinz Released on April 29, 2005, WebKinz allowed you to own a stuffable animal, somthing like Nintendogs. The difference was just one: naming a pet in WebKinz was a real pain. Hannah Montana Before twerking and Miley Cyrus there was Hannah Montana and its music. Naturally, almost no-one could afford to buy a live ticket, but that didn’t matter. The Best of Both Worlds Tour was there for everyone. Hello Kitty Hello Kitty items, or Hello Kitty counterfeit items were something that at some point everyone must have bought. Movie Outfit The moment when in a movie, an underdog character found the perfect outfit to shine (read: Lizzie McGuire). Indescribable.