Amico Aspertini’s masterpiece on display in Florence

From 16 December to 31 January the city of Florence will host an exhibition called Santi, Poeti, Navigatori; partly dedicated to Amico Aspertini, one of the most enigmatic and controversial artists of the Renaissance period, this amazing exhibition – which is part of the Mai visti prima project – comes on the heels of another art show dedicated to the painter and which took place in Bologna (Amico Aspertini’s hometown).

Thanks to this new exhibition, visitors wil have the unique opportunity to see the masterpiece which the artist painted for Alessandro Achillini; the painting which was purchased for 300,000 euros by the association Amici degli Uffizi has now been donated to the Florentine museum.
2009 has undoubtedly been a great year for Amico Aspertini’s admirers!

Written by Unit

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