After the boob job: Italian showgirl Francesca Cipriani gets her bum done

The fact that not every girl in Italy can easily get herself a job as an Italian showgirl might make you think that the entertainment business here is exclusive in some way, but it seems that often those who get their faces on Italian television undergo a very random selection process.

We don’t know who is responsible for this selection, and certainly not natural given the plastic surgery that abounds, but that we are often bombarded with some of the worst examples of femininity is evident.
Unfortunately Francesca Cipriani is one of those appalling examples.
She embodies, whether intentional or not (could someone really be this dumb?), the bimbo role and has gained her position on Italian television by virtue of the extremely exaggerated boob job she had done some time ago.
Cristina del Basso had to make way for Cipriani for the title of Italy’s biggest boobs, and the latter has decided to balance things and get her bum done as well.
Some comments from Italians are that it’s not difficult to use parts of your brain to pad out your bum but still, Cipriani or her agent, must have some marketing nouse in the entertainment industry because she’s still videoed and photographed and we’re still talking about her.

Check out the exaggeration in the pics.
