Google Toolbar: advantages and disadvantages

Advantages and disadvantages of the new web browser toolbar Google Toolbar

Google Toolbar is a web browser toolbar available only for Internet Explorer. The Google Toolbar feature is designed to help you quickly find the information you want and discover new things. Let’s try to better understand what are the advantages and the disadvantages of Google Toolbar.

The advantages of Google toolbar

There are few good reasons which explain why you should start to use Google Toolbar.

  • Blocking pop-ups. Firstly, Google Toolbar is one of the best pop-up blockers circulating at the moment. This is also one of the main reasons of its popularity. Moreover, for those who prefer a different browser than Google Chrome but would like to benefit from some of its features, the Google Toolbar can be a solution.
  • Benefits. Some of Chrome’s best features, such as Autofill, translate and Google Bookmarks, are reduced to toolbar buttons. Better even, users have the ability to add custom buttons, which makes the new toolbar all the more personal.
  • Essentially there is much to like about Google’s task bar, if you are a user of Google services. People who use their Google account for a variety of tasks will find that they can benefit greatly with this significant extension to their browser.

The disadvantages of Google Toolbar

  • Harming your browser. As you guessed, the Google toolbar is not for everybody. Right off the bat, if you are not a big user of Google services, this is not for you. In addition to blocking pop ups, there is no reason to install Google‘s add-on. It will only reduce the size of the browser window and it will mess with the aesthetics of browser as a whole.
  • The biggest disadvantage of this toolbar is that with the updates of the various supported browsers, it risks becoming redundant altogether. At first, it was a novelty to have a direct search field, which is included in the toolbar. However, practically all browsers have implemented this by default now.
  • Although Google updates the toolbar frequently, browsers seem to catch up on a greater pace, which makes you wonder how long it will still be a worthy add-on.

However, as it stands now, there is no denying that many will still enjoy all that the toolbar has to offer. Especially for those Google users that want some of Chrome’s conveniences, without actually having to use that browser, the toolbar is a godsend. On the other hand, those who do not might want to reconsider if it is for them.

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