Act Sustainably with Routine Breaks

It’s astounding how much influence our seemingly insignificant daily habits can have on our surroundings. We often go about our daily tasks on autopilot, unaware of the potential implications they may have on our environment. How, then, can an individual make more informed decisions?

The answer often lies in making small yet significant amendments to our daily routines, leading us to a more sustainable way of life. Each decision we make in our day-to-day lives, whether it’s about our mode of transport or our consumer habits, provides us with an opportunity to make a more deliberate choice. If you’re looking for some inspiration to adopt eco-friendlier habits, check out these simple changes you can implement.

1. Be mindful of your shower duration
Simply reducing your time spent in the shower can make a marked difference. Trimming just sixty seconds off your shower can conserve around 7 to 10 litres of water and reduce the energy needed to heat it as explained by You could consider purchasing an aerated showerhead to further decrease your water and energy consumption.

2. Rethink your personal care products
Consider using soap and shampoo bars with recyclable and minimal packaging. Other options include adopting reusable alternatives to disposable razors and switching to bamboo toothbrushes. Experience toothpaste in different forms, like powders or tablets, stored in reusable/recyclable glass containers. Plus, remember to turn off your tap while brushing to conserve water.

3. Make your tea-break greener
We all enjoy a good cup of tea, but often, we are guilty of boiling more water than we need. Adopt conscious practices like using only the needed amount of water and turning off your kettle just before it boils to conserve energy. Furthermore, when you’re enjoying your tea break with a KitKat, take a moment to learn more about Nestle’s Income Accelerator Programme aimed at improving the well-being of cocoa farming families, by scanning the QR code on KitKat’s ‘Breaks for Good’ bars.

4. Modify your daily commute
By slightly tweaking your method of commuting not only introduces a new sense of adventure in your daily routine but also has a positive impact on the environment.

Altering how you commute can aid in lessening your carbon dioxide emissions. Why not take a stroll, share a ride with others or make use of public transport whenever feasible? Investing in a bicycle could be economical in the long term, while also affording you a chance for some much-needed cardio exercise during your day.

5. Carry your own lunch
By taking your homemade lunch to work in a reusable container, you can reduce the use of single-use packaging and also limit food waste by eating last night’s leftovers. Support local cafes that use seasonal and locally sourced foods when you eat out, and inspect their online platforms to understand their sustainable practices.

6. Refuse single-use items
Avoid using plastic shopping bags and instead carry your own reusable grocery bags. Also, make an effort to bring a reusable water bottle or coffee cup, and always recycle single-use items when you can. Consider having a reusable straw on hand.

7. Experiment with meatless Mondays
You could help make an impact by reducing your meat intake and trying ‘Meatless Mondays’ or any other day that works for you – an effortless change that could be light on the pocket too.

8. Take a break from screens
Try reducing your time spent on social media to lower electricity use. Each online activity, from web browsing to sending emails, adds to carbon emissions. Rather than exchanging endless emails when you’re in the office, why not have a face-to-face chat with colleagues? While emails have lower emissions than traditional letters, it all adds up.

9. Limit energy consumption at home
Consider using energy-saving appliances and lighting alternatives such as LED, Halogen, and CFL bulbs. Keep all lights and appliances switched off when they’re not needed, hang wet clothes to dry naturally and use cooler settings on your washing machine. You can save energy by holding off on heating as the autumn months begin, put on an extra jumper to warm, and flaunt your fashion sense.

10. Take meaningful breaks
Why not set a day aside to sort through unneeded items around the house and donate functional ones to a friend or a local charity? You could also pick up litter while taking a stroll or join a volunteer group to better your local vicinity.

We all have the capacity to contribute to the world by introducing minor adjustments to our daily habits which could ultimately lead to major differences. If you’re interested, Nestlé’s income booster initiative progress is accessible for additional information. Moreover, you can further explore the commendable efforts KitKat’s ‘Breaks For Good’ is championing among cocoa agriculture societies via
