Abruzzo: Il museo del maiale – the pig museum – opens

This is great! After the success of the film Babe, bringing the smartest animal on earth to the people, a museum dedicated to this snuffly creature has opened in Carpineto Sinello, Abruzzo.
This is the first pig museum to open in the world and what better place than Italy?The pig has sustained the Italian population throughout the centuries, with various forms of salami, prosciutto and other cold cut meats.

The museum includes information on the tradition of pork and pork products, the work of farmers, local specialities and dishes.
The museum’s mission is to protect and give value to the agricultural and economic history associated with the pig, and revive techniques associated with salami making.
It’s set to be a centre where any wanting to learn the trade of a delicatessan should go and visit.
My only sadness is when I see that cute little nose and the ears …and I like prosciutto crudo!
