A sword in the stone, Siena in Tuscany

This could well be Italy’s version of the famed Tintern Abbey in Great Britain.
The San Galgano abbey lies 30 km west of Siena in Tuscany, and has the majestic, lofty silence you would expect from an abbey.
And to add to the mythology of such places, San Galgano even has a sword in a stone.

The sword dates from the 12th century and in the course of repairs to the object after vandalism, it’s originality has been confirmed.
While it would be tempting to link the sword to the legendary King Arthur, no evidence really exists and what it is doing in the rock is anyone’s guess.
The sword is housed in a nearby chapel constructed in 1183 and displaying the beautiful terracotta colours of this region.
During the summer months concerts are often housed in the open air abbey and this year start on June 13 with the opera Bolero, and continue with the Magic Flute, La Traviata and Vivaldi’s the Four Seasons.
For information go to www.
