A second modern funeral parlour has been given the go-ahead in Dundrum

Despite protests from locals on the lack of necessity, Fanagans Funeral Directors has successfully managed to acquire planning permission for a new funeral home in the southern Dublin suburb of Goatstown. Just a few weeks earlier, funeral firm Massey Bros also revealed plans to inaugurate its tenth branch in Dublin, which happens to be adjacent to the Goat Bar and Grill owned by Charlie Chawke.

Currently, the Fanagans have an operation in Dundrum and had previously raised objections to Mr. Chawke’s funeral home plan on the grounds of there being no requirement for an extra funeral home in Goatstown. However, with Fanagans’ victorious planning application, the area will see two new establishments.

Fanagans, on their part, decided not to contest the successful plans of Mr. Chawke when submitting it to An Bord Pleanála.

When asked for his take on Fanagans receiving permission, Mr. Chawke commented, saying that space should exist for both businesses and only time would determine the outcome. He mentioned that Massey Bros were quite close to opening their funeral home near the Goat.

In addition to its existing Dundrum premises, Fanagans’ new funeral home is planned to operate. Some local objection was faced, with Willowfield Park resident, Michael Doyle, presenting to Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council that the area was sufficiently catered for by current funeral homes, with a new one planned to open at the Goat location, just a minute’s drive from the proposed development at 6 Willowfield Park.

Mr Doyle added that the application for a new funeral home at Willowfield appeared to be an attempt by Fanagans to stave off any competition and reiterated his view about the lack of local demand for a new funeral home in the area.

The proposed establishment of a funeral home in this vicinity is not fitting. The proposed site is positioned across from a residential settlement and encompasses businesses that do not harmonise with the activities usually linked to a funeral home. The urban planning officials from the council mentioned in their report that they have considered third-party opinions, however, they deduced that the potential establishment wouldn’t drastically undermine the nature of the region. Fanagans wished not to give any remarks on this issue.

Written by Ireland.la Staff

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