A Lifelong Burden of Taxation

“Dear Editor,

Dermot Casey’s proposal that our working-class citizens might perceive the inheritance tax as a final contribution to a community that has ‘endorsed and facilitated’ them in their employment and estate accumulation, merits consideration (Letters, September 19th). However, many might contest this view, arguing that they have already made significant contributions in the form of income tax and a plethora of other levies throughout their careers.

Moreover, it is debatable how the ‘community’ supports workers when the social agreement is profoundly undermined, hindered by challenges in diverse public sectors such as public transportation, urban safety, childcare costs and others. These dilemmas impact drastically on the lives of workers and, despite years of prosperous public finances, are yet to be addressed.

Additionally, the idea of gifting through inheritance tax may have been more palatable if people had confidence that it would not be misappropriated by the Government – with funds wasted on items like printers, bicycle sheds, and children’s hospitals.

A potential solution to the controversy surrounding inheritance tax, for those feeling indebted to the community, could be to make a generous legacy to the State in their will instead? Demonstrate your gratitude with an extravagant donation and allow individuals the autonomy to manage their hard-earned, previously-taxed wealth and assets without external intervention?” – Yours faithfully,
Dublin 16.”
