A lesson in Italian language: Topgear, Jeremy Clarkson and the Ferrari 430 Scuderia

In another funny episode from Jeremy Clarkson and the Topgear team, it appears that the only thing Clarkson didn’t like about the Ferrari 430 Scuderia is the name.
He says it’s “silly”, saying that it means “team”.
While he’s right in his own way, there’s a more correct interpretation of this word.

The Ferrari Formula 1 racing team is called “Scuderia”.
From this point of view, the word is intended as “team”, but it is actually derived from the ancient stables used for race horses that even now are called “scuderie”.
The prancing horse symbol of Ferrari is also that from the first world war’s aviator Francesco Baracca (1888-1918).
The symbol was passed on from the Baracca’s mother as a lucky symbol to the Formula 1 pilot Enzo Ferrari.
Why would an aviator be carrying the symbol of a rearing horse? Because his air strike team, one of the first in Italy, was part of the 2nd Regiment “Royal Cavalier Piedmont”.
Scuderia therefore signifies far more than just team.
In addition the word “scudo” means “shield” so we’re talking far more than just a race around a track in a nice Ferrari.

The “silly” name is not to be made fun of, as the Italians might get a little offended.
And you don’t want to be going into battle against an angry Italian and his Ferrari.
