A guide to web-based learning and training

© Scott Maxwell (Fotolia) Full Spectrum Wired Classroom Education Concept
© Scott Maxwell (Fotolia)
CBT training

Computer-based training, or CBT, is a self-paced learning tool, that is typically available over a computer or hand-held device.

CBT training is typically made available through CD-ROMs, but is now increasingly being hosted on the web.

The content of a CBT reads like a book. Hence, this training tool is used to teach material, where the content is not likely to change often, like company processes, or subject theory.

Advantages of CBT training

Since CBTs are self-paced, they can be taken at any time.
In addition, CBTs can incorporate media, such as videos and animation, making it richer in content than printed material.

Disadvantages of CBT software

The initial cost of developing a CBT is very high. Further, the software used to develop the CBT is often complex.

Added to this, is the fact that since CBTs are typically delivered via CD-ROMs. Hence, any updates in course learning will not be instantly available, unlike webbased training.
Online education
Webtraining utilises the power of the Internet, in that it delivers live content to its users. Unlike CD-based CBTs, content can be modified and made available instantly.

Furthermore, an online course can be made interactive by using chat and conferencing.


As seen, the advantages of webtraining are that it allows the incorporation of several applications, so as to make the learning content rich and interactive.
Possibly, the best advantage is that the content is instantly available once modified.


Since online education relies on the Internet, bandwidth restrictions pose a problem. Bottle-necks in Internet speed slow down online training.
IT training online
Many institutions today offer IT training online. IT training has become a must-have today, and institutions today are making the best of the opportunity accorded to them.

Training in institutions

According to some estimates, IT online trainings offered in universities can succeed in bringing down overall course learning times by 50%.

However, concern has been expressed over students not being able to interact in the same way, as they would in a classroom.

Training in corporate sector

IT training is offered online by most corporates. These trainings bring down overall investments in classrooms and training faculty.
Webbased institutions
In the UK, there are a number of learning institutions that offer webbased training. A mention must be made here of Webbasedtraining.com, a non-profit organisation which offers free information to anyone interested.
This indeed shows the success of e-learning!

Written by Newshub.co.uk Unit

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