A guide to buying a twin tub washing machine

© Average Jane (Flickr) Laundry
© Average Jane (Flickr)
Would a twin tub fit into your lifestyle?
If you wash clothes, bedding and towels just once or twice a week the answer to this question is probably "yes".

Front loaders can take as long as two hours to complete a wash programme. A twin tub will wash, rinse and spin at least three loads in the same timespan.

However, if you wash a small load every day, an automatic washer machine is a better proposition in terms of ease of use and water consumption.
Do you have space for a twin tub?
Today’s kitchens are constructed with a space ready to receive a front load washer. If your home is like this, accommodating a twin tub could be difficult. However, if your home is equipped with a separate utility room complete with sink, you have the ideal environment in which to work with a twin tub.

A twin tub must remain beside a sink while in use so it can disrupt other chores being carried out in a kitchen. In a utility room dedicated to laundry this problem does not exist. Once you have filled the washing machine tub and put in your first load, you can walk away and do something else until you have to move the washing into the spinner for rinsing and water extraction.

If you are considering replacing a washer dryer with a twin tub, bear in mind you will need a separate tumble dryer which will also require storage space. However, dryers with an internal condenser offer a great deal of flexibility when it comes to positioning them in your home.
Purchasing a twin tub
If you decide a twin tub washer will fit your lifestyle and your home, carry out careful research before parting with any cash. There are different types of washing machine agitator – the means by which laundry is moved through the detergent solution. Read a number of reviews to see which is regarded as being most effective.

Some twin tubs offer an automatic rinse facility, whereby water is continually sprayed on clothes in the spinner drum. This means you do not have to keep stopping the spinner to put in more water.

Look also for a very high spin speed. Some twin tubs offers speeds as high as 8000 revolutions per minute. This leaves items barely damp and cuts down significantly on drying times and tumble dryer electricity costs.
