A dialogue grounded in proof

Dear Editor,

I found the dialogue in Tuesday’s edition about a potential relaxation of the strict three-day waiting rule for abortion quite stimulating (“Should the mandatory three-day wait for abortion be lifted?” Opinion, April 23rd). Dr Mary Favier and Eilís Mulroy’s opposing perspectives supplied considerable mental nourishment.

Yet, I find myself in disagreement with Ms Mulroy’s remarkable concluding remark about our ‘soaring abortion numbers.’ How can one reasonably argue that our statistics are rising drastically, when we started with no service and are currently at our present state?

In the middle of her section, Dr Favier advocates for a practice that is evidence-based, a premise I believe all debates should be derived from. I hope future debates adhere to this principle.

Rath Maonais,
Dublin 6.

Written by Ireland.la Staff

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