A buyers guide to handheld steam cleaners

© norio.nakayama (Flickr) シャークスチームポータブル
© norio.nakayama (Flickr)
Steam cleaning without the wait
The aim of a steam cleaner is to remove dirt from surfaces and sanitize them without the use of chemicals. If you own a full size steam cleaner, you probably use it on large areas such as flooring and wall tiling. You may also use it when giving your kitchen and bathroom a thorough clean. However, when it comes to wiping down kitchen worktops, or the bathroom sink and toilet, you revert to chemicals because getting out the steam cleaner and waiting for it to boil slows you down. A handheld steam cleaner is convenient chemical free alternative for these jobs.
Practical examples of handheld steam cleaner use
Just before you start to prepare a meal, fill your handheld steam cleaner and leave it to heat up. By the time the food is ready to cook, the cleaner is ready to produce steam, so instead of getting out a bottle of spray chemicals, use the steamer to clean your worktops and hob.

It’s the day for your weekly fridge clearing session. Fill your steamer and switch it on. Take everything out of the fridge and dispose of items which are out of date. Before you repack the fridge, steam and wipe down the internal surfaces.

It’s time to give the bathroom sink and toilet their daily clean. Fill your handheld steamer, allow it to heat up and use it to steam the sink and taps. Wipe with a microfibre cloth to achieve a shine and remove loosened grime. Steam the toilet surfaces and wipe these down as well. Attach the steamer’s right angled nozzle and direct the jet of steam under the toilet rim.
What to look for in a handheld steam cleaner
A strong jet of steam is the main requirement of a handheld steam cleaner. Look for one with a powerful wattage. The stronger the jet of steam, the easier it will be to loosen dirt and grime.

Purchase a handheld steam cleaner with a long concentrator nozzle. The longer this nozzle, the easier it is to steam dirt out of corners and crevices.

Look also for a handheld steam cleaner with an accessory kit. This should include a round brush for scrubbing, a small hose and a small cleaning head to which cloths can be attached for the cleaning of hard surfaces and upholstery. Many of these small cleaning heads can also be used to clean windows in conjunction with a detachable queegee.

Written by Newshub.co.uk Unit

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