“8th of March referendums: The debate on WhatsApp, penned by Breda O’Brien and Justine McCarthy”

On March 8th, two referendums pertaining to amendments to the Irish Constitution will be put before the citizens of Ireland for voting. One revolves around the definition of family and the other focuses on the role of mothers and caregivers.

The referendum relating to the family will adjust the language of the Constitution. If voters approve the amendment, the new text would acknowledge the family, which isn’t necessarily based solely on marriage but on other lasting relationships, as a critical societal group. In contrast, if the proposed language is negated, the existing text which commits the State to defend the institution of marriage as the basis of the family from any challenge, will stand.

The second amendment concerns the roles and recognition of mothers and caregivers. If supported, the current articles emphasizing the woman’s domestic role and the state’s commitment to avoiding her enforced economic labour neglecting her domestic duties, will be eradicated. In its place, a new article would be appended, acknowledging that care within the family and the connections therein contribute significantly to societal support. The state would also be obligated to endorse such caregiving.

The pros and cons of the proposed changes are debated by two columnists from the Irish Times. Breda O’Brien suggests voting against both referendums (a No No position), while Justine McCarthy is in favour of their approval (a Yes Yes position).

For comprehensive coverage of the referendum, other methods to keep updated include subscribing to our Inside Politics Podcast for in-depth analysis and conversations, signing up for notifications to receive news, analysis and commentary directly to your phone and finding The Irish Times on WhatsApp to stay well-informed.

Written by Ireland.la Staff

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