65th Venice Film Festival: Kineo Diamanti al Cinema awards

Just a few days ago Minister Biondi and Massimo Cacciari, mayor of Venice, laid the first stone for the new Palazzo del Cinema (you can see the stone in the picture above) which should be inaugurated within a couple of years.
But here in Venice events come thick and fast and there’s no time to catch a breath; even as I am writing this, just a few steps away at the Hotel Des Mains someone is throwing a huge party to celebrate the winners of a prestigious award called Kineo Diamanti al Cinema; among the recipients were Elio Germano, Alessandro Gassman, Vittoria Puccini, Violante Placido and Micaela Ramazzotti.

Natalie Portman was awarded for her humanitarian efforts.
The city is literally swarming with celebrities.
This morning I bumped into a broody Valerio Mastandrea ( his movie Un giorno perfetto or Perfect Day opened to mixed reviews), a sad Emmanuelle Beart and the wonderful cast of Il Papà di Giovanna – one of the most beautiful films seen here in Venice.
Postcards fromVenezia 65: Diamanti al Cinema awards

Written by Newshub.co.uk Unit

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