46 x 9 – Valentino Rossi Interview

As usual when Valentino Rossi wins a World Championship, Italian TV dedicates a couple of shows to Rossi’s amazing career.
Last night on Terra! (earth) they did an hour long special from the 2009 EICMA show and had Mediasetsports Giorgio Terruzzi, interviewing the 9 times World Champion.
So here’s part of the inverview that we’ve translated for you:GT: You’re a Vecchia Gallina what grade would you give yourself?VR: This year or in general?GT: This year… now.

VR: I was much better last year, if last year it was a 9 or maybe last year 9 1/2, this year it’s 8 1/2.
GT: Why? What’s the difference this year?VR: Last year I was more humble and made less mistakes.
GT: Instead as a young man how do you see yourself ?VT: Yes, I’m a young man and fortunately in these times when your thirty it’s different when someone was thirty, let’s say thirty years ago, you can still live with your parents and you don’t have to have your own family.
I don’t know why it happens, but it does (Italy has expensive housing and renting problems and low paychecks and many young people can’t afford to live alone, so they continue to live at home with their parents) I still feel very young and all considering, pretty good as a young man.

GT: If you think of your first GP and you’re dressed in red, how many wheels are there?VT: (laughing) I don’t understand the question…GT: If you imagine your …VT: I understood it (still laughing)VT: I don’t know, but I think they’ll be two …GT: Ahh, it’s going to be easier with two, I don’t believe it …VT: I have to say that red isn’t one of my favourite colours, while yellow, blue and green give me tranquillity, red gives me some anxiety, but that’s only personal tastes.
GT: That’s something you can get over …….
And Stoner? What do think … strong or easy to be strong now?VT: In what sense? So strong that he came back to win? Yeah .
he came back and was strong right away and won two races, and once again you understand how many stupid things people said about stories like these, in stories that aren’t very clear, I’ve had it happen to me but now I see it happening to others.
GT: Lorenzo … he’s strong, good, smart, I want some of his defects.
We know how good he is …VT: You want me to tell you his defects?GT: No, nothing particuarly nasty, just that in your rivalry with him this year a couple of his problems came out…VR: According to me, like for Stoner, they both have the tendency to get “excited” even if that isn’t the right word, they probably get too confident … they probably get confident too much, too fast and too early, and they don’t know since they’re young … considering their tender age, that the championship is very long.
GT: That’s something an old man would say …VR: Yeah, it’s something an old man would say and since I’m not young as they are, I have to find some advantages with experience.

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