40,000 New Homes Expected This Year

During his recent address at the annual Michael Collins commemoration in Co Cork, Taoiseach Simon Harris announced plans for the completion of nearly 40,000 new houses this year. He also reaffirmed his commitment to construct 250,000 new homes within the next five years.

Harris stated that despite 2021 housing targets being surpassed, the biggest hurdle remains in the rapid delivery of homes. He emphasised this ambitious goal of a quarter of a million new homes was initially pledged when he first assumed the role of Fine Gael leader in spring.

Preparatory land zoning for approximately 50,000 new houses annually is already underway with each local authority. Furthermore, he revealed his intentions to propose the establishment of a new Department of Infrastructure in the next Government to expedite and aid in realising these housing agendas.

Harris also expressed his views on prevalent hate speech and misinformation directed at immigrants online, calling them serious threats to democratic peace. He criticised a minority who undervalue the country’s rich migration history in favour of hate and division.

“They aim to foster discord amongst those who were once compelled to abandon their homes in pursuit of improved living conditions, with those who now strive to accomplish the same objective.”

In response to anti-immigrant demonstrations that have often coincided with the initiation of asylum seeker housing facilities, Mr Harris stated that there were certain individuals “who brandish a tricolour and profess nationalism whilst undermining the very principles that this nation profoundly respects – liberty, equality, and opportunity”.

Mr Harris made it clear that Ireland is “a land governed by laws”, stressing the importance of bringing to justice those who violate these laws. He further emphasized, “It is essential that those who launch assaults against our security personnel and those elected democratically should face consequences for their actions.”

He, however, also conveyed “Correspondingly, those contravening our immigration laws will too, be held responsible.”

Written by Ireland.la Staff

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