“2030 Climate Targets Require Renewable Investment”

The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland cautioned that the transition from fossil fuels, which accounted for 80% of the country’s energy needs last year, to a decarbonised energy system is not progressing as rapidly as required. The report specified that substantial new investment in renewables such as wind and solar is necessary to meet Ireland’s 2030 climate objectives. Information on this was provided by Eoin Burke-Kennedy.

Simultaneously, in London, our correspondent Mark Paul conversed with the Finance Minister, Jack Chambers, about the budget and additional matters. Looking forward to the imminent general election post-budget, Chambers assured that he is ready to reject expenditure proposals from different sectors of the Government. He also confirmed his intentions to utilise funds from AIB share sales to facilitate greater housing.

Ibec, the employers’ lobby group, flagged the construction of 300,000 new houses in the upcoming five years as significant for the incoming government. This should include 100,000 units of social, affordable, and cost-rental housing, directly provided by the state. This was reported by Eoin Burke-Kennedy.

The RTÉ Player’s script modification has been noted by Laura Slattery in her weekly media segment. She commended the recent improvements but stated that the platform needs further enhancements to perform competitively in the rapidly adapting streaming industry. This is also to retain a younger demographic who are not regular viewers of traditional TV.

The communications and advisory agency based in New York, Teneo, has appointed experienced executive Gary McGann as the chairman and senior advisor of its inaugural Irish advisory board. Various influential figures from areas of politics, sports and business will also be a part of the board. Ciarán Hancock provides more information.

The future of car transportation seems to be leaning towards electric vehicles, however, their sales will possibly decline without further support from the State. This outlook is presented by Cantillon.

During our “Your Money Q&A” segment, one reader inquires about their legal entitlement to a property they invested in, which despite being promised to them by their mother in law numerous times, was never formally transferred before her demise. Dominic Coyle gives his perspective on this matter.

In our “Me & My Money” section, Éabha McMahon, co-founder of the Celtic World Forum, shares with Tony Clayton-Lea the life-changing advice she received from a taxi driver in Brazil.

The Ibec employers lobby group’s part, Financial Services Ireland, is organising a forum on Friday. At this event, officials from the Central Bank of Ireland and the European Central Bank will enlighten its members on the multiyear project pertaining to the digital euro. For more details, refer to Joe Brennan’s report.

Pavel Durov’s arrest, the founder of Telegram, sparks discussion regarding the onus tech superpowers have in monitoring unlawful content. More on this is provided by Stocktake.
