“2024 Property Picnic Tickets Available”

The Property Picnic charitable event in aid of Cancer Trials Ireland is set to happen on the 16th of May 2024 at 1WML in the southern docklands of Dublin. It’s the third year of the event which has been successfully organised in the past by the commercial agent Bannon, raising over €300,000 in support of cancer treatment research in Ireland. This year, the event is being coordinated by Colliers and promises an enjoyable evening filled with live performances, edibles, beverages and a chance to catch up with acquaintances from the property and broader business sectors.

The principal patrons of this year’s event range from Core Capital, VM Digital, Hibernia Real Estate Group, House Dublin, to Matheson, Relm Finance, Module Group, and the Clancourt Group with an additional 61 companies contributing via sponsorship support and raffle prize donations.

Cancer Trials Ireland is renowned for its efforts towards enhancing patient experiences through conducting pioneering clinical trials to discover novel treatments and therapies for various cancer forms. It collaborates with healthcare professionals, researchers, and patient advocates to progress cancer care, aiming at an ultimate cure.

Michele McGarry from Colliers expressed her enthusiasm about launching the 2024 Property Picnic event, emphasising the opportunity it creates for the industry to unite, enjoy an excellent evening, and make a significant contribution to cancer patient lives and their families. She asserted, every contribution, be it big or small, goes a long way.

The 2024 Property Picnic’s success is dependent on the benevolence and backing of sponsors, volunteers, and attendees. Parties interested in participating in the event are urged to visit propertypicnicireland.com to familiarise themselves with options for sponsorship, donations, and ticket purchases.
