“2024 Exam Marks and CAO Queries”

We’d like to extend a warm welcome to the 2024 Results and CAO assistance centre. A group of dedicated career advisors will be actively present online starting from the noon of Friday, providing responses to the inquiries of students and their parents pertaining to the students’ results, along with CAO offerings that are planned to be rolled out the forthcoming Wednesday.

The service hours of the assistance centre will be as follows:
– From midday until 8pm on Friday, the 23rd of August
– Starting at 10am and concluding at 5pm on Saturday, the 24th of August
– From 10am to 12pm on Sunday, the 25th of August
– Beginning at 1pm and ending at 8pm on Wednesday, the 28th of August
– Operating from midday up until 8pm on Thursday, the 29th of August
– From 10am until 1pm on Friday, the 30th of August.
