2013 World Superbike Phillip Island mega photo gallery

104 images is the number of photos in our mega gallery from the past weekend’s World Superbike round at Phillip Island, that saw Aprilia dominate both races with factory riders Sylvain Guintoli and Eugene Laverty each take a win and a second place, and end up being tied in the standings after round one.

WSBK Standings after round one:1.
Eugene Laverty Aprilia 452.
Sylvain Guintoli Aprilia 453.
Michel Fabrizio Aprilia 294.
Tom Sykes Kawasaki 225.
Marco Melandri BMW 166.
Jonathan Rea Honda 167.
Leon Haslam Honda 158.
Jules Cluzel Suzuki 149.
Leon Camier Suzuki 1410.
Chaz Davies BMW 1311.
Max Neukirchner Ducati 1112.
Davide Giugliano Aprilia 1013.
Loris Baz Kawasaki 1014.
Glenn Allerton BMW 615.
Ivan Clementi BMW 416.
Jamie Stauffer Honda 417.
Alexander Lundh Kawasaki 418.
Federico Sandi Kawasaki 2If by chance you missed the races some kind soul posted them on YouTube, that is until new World Superbike owner Dorna finds out about it, as it seems that the World Superbikes is no longer posting highlight videos on their YouTube channel like they used to do – probably they same policy that Dorna’s uses for MotoGP and you only see see highlights if you register – free of charge – on their Energy Zone page.

Superbike 2013Phillip Island Race 1 Race 2

Written by Newshub.co.uk Unit

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