2011 EICMA: 14 years old motocross rider seriously injured

Last Saturday morning, during the qualification round for an Under 17 Supercross Rookie event at the 2011 EICMA, 14 years old rider Kade Walker fell off its KTM 85 and got seriously injured.
The stewards realized immediatly that the young Canadian was in serious conditions and an helicopter took him straight away at the Niguarda Hospital in Milan, where he arrived unconscious and had a CAT scan which, luckily enough, was negative.

First reports on the accident were quite alarming and unclear about the actual situation, but many sources have already confirmed that Kade’s life is not in peril and that he can move all four limbs.
However, his conditions remain critical, and he will be kept under observation at the hospital fotr the time being.
Kade came to Europe accompanied by an aunt to take part in some rounds of the European SX series.
Picture Vurbmoto.

Written by Newshub.co.uk Unit

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