2011 Dakar promo video

After rumours that the legendary Dakar race would go back to African soil, the 2011 Dakar will take place again in Argentina and Chile.
Registrations for the race opened on May 15th and a Dakar world publicity tour has just been completed.
The race will take place from January 2nd to 15th with a rest day on the 8th.

The 2011 Dakar promises to be the same enduring spectacle it always is, and the route for the third edition is being described as:After two editions in South America, the Dakar continues its exploration in 2011 of a continent which has impressive potential for new discovery.
Heading towards the north of Argentina and Chile, the route skims the frontiers of neighbouring countries and takes competitors through ever more varied country.
It’s a cascade of colour.
For more details on the 2011 Dakar, see the Dakar website.

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