2010 Yamaha XT1200Z Super Ténéré live pics and presentation videos

The 2010 Yamaha Super Ténéré is gradually being rolled out across Europe, with presentations taking place in Paris, Germany and Istanbul.
We’ll be bringing you more pics next week, but in the meantime see the live Super Ténéré Paris presentation gallery, and a couple of videos after the jump of its appearance at its various debuts.

The XT1200Z Super Ténéré will have a price tag in Europe of about 15,300 euros for the “First Edition”, which is a limited edition version that comes with an adventure pack.
It will be available for a year from launch, after which the bike will be sold with the adventure kit as a separate accessory.
For more details on the bike, see our 2010 Yamaha Super Ténéré pics and details post.
Live Paris pics from moto.

Written by Newshub.co.uk Unit

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