130+ Exhibitors at Ireland’s Fair

Are you clear on the field you’d like to focus on after your A-Level exams next year?
Do you have a keen interest in a specific field of study? Are you aware of the degree programmes available in your chosen field? Have you prepared a list of potential universities and colleges that offer your chosen courses?
These are just a few of the pressing questions that students will be pondering over until the 1st of July of the coming year, which marks the deadline for changes in applications through the University and College Admissions Service (UCAS).
Though these inquiries don’t require immediate, definitive answers, and the deadline to finalise UCAS choices is still some distance away, students entering their final year of school are already looking ahead to the autumn term of 2025.
During this autumn period, colleges and universities traditionally organise “Open Day” visits for prospective students to sample the campus ambience.
At these events, delegates from the major UK and European tertiary education institutions will be available to respond to any inquiries from students about their institutions and the programmes they provide.
These events serve as an excellent platform for potential students to connect with current university students and gain an insight into university life.
Higher Options, every year, holds a series of specialist lectures featuring guest speakers who discuss a variety of subjects. These discussions are held across four platforms, with professionals offering insights into their careers to students.

This year’s agenda will cover discussions regarding professions in business, law, arts, sustainability, working with the Irish language, and also farming. Important insights on the CAO application process will be shared by Eileen Keleghan, whereas career guidance specialist Brian Mooney will provide guidance on how best to choose a suitable career. Additionally, alumni from higher education will share their experiences. The discussions will also delve into the application for the Student Universal Support Ireland grant and the Disability Access Route to Education scheme.

The recent global recognition of the Irish language arts through hit films like An Cailín Ciúin and Kneecap highlights the prospects it offers in terms of employment. Updated legislation for language rights dictates that, by 2030, one in every five Civil Service recruits will be required to have proficiency in the language. Anyone interested in careers with Irish, can partake in an Cheathrú Ghaeltachta, which is making a comeback this year, for its second edition. The event will provide insights into various options for studying and building a career in Irish, and this information can be obtained through interaction with the exhibitors and attending the discussions.

Students can get enlightened about potential colleges to apply through CAO, further education and training pathways, studying opportunities in Europe and the UK, and about how to secure grants and explore a wide spectrum of career fields. According to Janet Stafford, the event manager of Higher Options, the presence of over 130 exhibitors will provide students with crucial information, aiding them in making informed decisions about their future studies.

According to Stafford, students can truly enjoy college and their career if they are studying and working towards something that they are passionate about and apt for. “Higher Options presents you with a chance to discover the best pathway for you,” she comments. To best make use of the event, students are advised to prepare beforehand and note down their queries. Ideally, they should pose the same questions to each representative to gain a balanced understanding of each institution.

She further adds, “Pinpoint one or two career talks and exhibitors which shouldn’t be missed.”

Students are encouraged to utilise a specific amount of time to freely explore and interact with exhibitors. Certain universities across the UK and Europe might offer unique courses that were previously unthought of. For maximum benefits, students should first review the exhibitor list, navigate the site map, and undertake preliminary online research prior to attending the Higher Options. Any inquiries should be directed to the representatives.

Representatives from Irish universities and further education colleges will share insights into student life including accommodation, grants, accessibility, and overall campus experience, as stated by Stafford. For career-oriented advice, speakers from Fáilte, the Institute of Bankers, and the Defence Forces among others will provide a comprehensive view of their area of work.

Higher Options will feature exhibiters from the UK and EU, offering Irish students the choice to consider studying abroad. UK representation has escalated this year with a diverse array of opportunities from 28 institutions being showcased. French universities such as Campus France Ireland, SciencesPo, and Em Normandie Business School will present solid information about studying in France, with a special emphasis on robust business courses.

The EU Zone is equipped with information on studying sciences, medicine, and veterinary at European universities. Moreover, the European Parliament, including the European Commission and Court of Justice, will offer interpretation services for students to test their live interpreting abilities.

The careers available for Irish students in Europe will be highlighted at the EU Careers stand. An Cheathrú Ghaeltachta returns once again, enabling students to discover study and career prospects through Irish. Regardless of whether students have studied through Irish, there are numerous exciting career opportunities available.

Finally, it is important to bear in mind that a traditional university path isn’t always the immediate choice for all Leaving Certificate students. Each year, over 30,000 places are offered across nearly 1,500 courses in further education colleges, forming part of the further education and training (FET) sector.

“The National Apprenticeships Office and This is FET will be the main presenters of further education and training offerings at the event, accompanied by further education colleges from diverse Education and Training Boards,” shares Stafford.

“Representatives from An Garda Síochána and the Defence Forces will also be available for students keen on exploring career options within these sectors.”

Higher Options 2024 is scheduled to run from Wednesday, the 25th to Friday, the 27th of September, 2024.

For additional details, kindly refer to: higheroptions.irishtimes.com/home

Written by Ireland.la Staff

Guide Kids to Discover Passions

Making the Most of Your Time at Higher Options